The Big Introductions Thread

Welcome everyone! It’s exciting to see lots of new faces here, and it gives me motivation to continue maintaining and improving this site. If any of you have gotten any ideas, feel free to drop them here.


Chief Torchbearer here, hailing from Nova Scotia, Canada. Loved the OSR before it was the OSR!


Hi I’m Randy. Found a link to this place from Reddit. Since Apollo is the app I use to browse Reddit and it is shutting down (thanks to changes Reddit it making to its API) I am looking for a new home to discuss OSR related topics.

My current favorite system is OSE Advanced. I’ve got a 2 year old ongoing campaign in that system.

I’m currently running a Shadowdark campaign that just started a couple of weeks ago.

I’m gearing up to run a short Hyoerborea game. My regular Call of Cthulhu campaign is on a break while a player is out of town for 3 weeks. I’m excited to dip my toes into Hyperborea.

In the past I ran a 3 year DCC campaign which earned me 3 belt buckles from Goodman Games due to that campaign being a public game.

I’m excited to be here and I hope I find this place to be my new OSR home.


Dan B here. Playing a variety of OSR systems (and GURPS!) with my group here in Brooklyn. I’m also working on a folktale inspired adventure for OSE about a wicked fox, tricky rabbits, and possibly ancient aliens (could also be fungus people, not sure yet). A big fan of OSE, Cairn, Knave, and Vaults of Vaarn.


Hi folks. I’m Eric Diaz, came here from Reddit to avoid a new G±style diaspora.

I have a blog (Methods&Madness):

I also published several books, mostly OSR, including my own “necolone”:


I’m DinoTuesday, your friendly neighborhood T-Rex. I’m on the east coast of the USA, in the DC metro area.

I used to play Pathfinder 1e. Now I like playing my 5e-hack, Knave, and I’m excited to start a DCC campaign. I suppose I lean NSR. I DM and/or play weekly.

My current campaign is a weird science fantasy hexcrawl inspired by Caves of Qud, Vaults of Vaarn, UVG, the KNOCK! Zines, and other bits.

I’m active in ttrpg design circles on Reddit, Discord, and YouTube. I have no blog but I read blogs frequently.

I’d love to see more discussion of adventures, new and old, plus tips on designing them.

I’d love more dungeon23 content, too. Although I’ve fallen behind on mine I still remember to update it occasionally. It might be fun to organize a community dungeon, and eventually build it up to a megadungeon.


Golden hills of NorCa as well, although things are slow to dry this year. I’m in Butte County. You?

Hello All,
I’m samurguybri. I stared playing in the 80’s and have been following editons as the came (barring 4E) looking at older editons as simplicity and out of touch. I started getting sick of the massive amount of prep and rules knowledge I had to internalize, feats to counter etc in the main DnD games. At the same time, I discovered Monsters and Manuals blogs and some other folks and worked on finding a good ruleset that suited me. I’ve settle on 5Torches Deep as our group contain some old school players and some older teens and the teens started on 5E and we older players have passed through it. I heard about this Discoruse page on r/osr and am very interested to see what it’s like.


Hello everyone, I’m Andy/Andrew!

I discovered the OSR through Reddit back in early 2020 and have been hooked ever since. My current favorites are Into the Odd, Cairn, Mork Borg, and Cy_Borg. My favorite underdogs, not necessarily OSR, are The Workplace (lasers and feelings hack, DELVE, Forgotten Ballad, and There And Back Again.

I currently have a few personal OSR projects, such as an upcoming Into the Odd fictional radio news show, an entry I’m working on for the A Town, A Forest, A Dungeon game jam, and a weekly solo-rpg stream I’m starting up soon.

I’m looking forward to all of the OSR discussions and seeing everyone’s projects blossom :slight_smile:


Hi, I’m Jeff! I was a forgie back when the forge was a thing, and on story-games until it breathed its last breath. I like OSR-ish play that shoots for eclectic and larcenous creativity during prep and a sort of ego-death of the GM during play, which Sandra Snan of idiomdrottning coined as “blorb”, and the sort of from-first-principles D&D that Eero Tuovinen wrote about in Muster.

I also have a mild obsession with extremely interesting long-form play, like Cary’s Middle Earth Game or Vincent, Meg, and Emily’s Freeform Ars Magica.


Hi all, Spencer aka Free Thrall here. Just discovered this place following the Reddit debacle and wanted to check it out.

I’m responsible for the Keep Off The Borderlands podcast, essentially a light-hearted look at the hobby from someone coming back to gaming following a 30 years break and initially struggling to get my game on.

You’ll find me lurking in a few other places too.

Did anybody else have trouble getting Discobot to recognise their link replies?


Hello kind folks of the internet. I’m the Old Dirty Basilisk. Black and white sketchy art is my jam, you can find mine on Insta if you’re interested. I also publish a little zine or whatever on occasion that can be found on DriveThru. Big fan of The Black Hack and have ran many a session. I like my dungeons dark, deadly and strange. Cheers!

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Welcom @FreeThrall and @olddirtybasilisk ! It’s a pleasure to have you on board with us!

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Hi folks, just another rulebook reading labyrinth lurker here. My first language is stat block, unless I’m nervous then it’s random tables. Been in this nerd swamp since 1988 when I first discovered the Basic set. Right now, because I’m a good little OSR soldier, it’s all about Shadowdark, Mork Borg, OSE, and various solo rpg systems (Currently playing a lot of Ironsworn & Solitary Defilement).

Glad to be here and honestly surprised it took so long.

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I’m Stash and I have DMed almost every edition of D&D. These days I typically run 1E and 2E because those are the editions I grew up with. Nice to meet everybody.


Welcome @Diancecht to this lovely place!

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hello OSR pit!

I’m Chris from Caesar ink, I made the Labyrinth RPG, Dark crystal RPG, Tales of equestria and most receantly… DOOMSONG!

How are yall?


Hello from grey-skied Glasgow! I’ve been lurking for ages, enjoying recent posts prompts me to step out of the shadows. I’m an old grognard come back to rpging after a 25 year break and loving what I find, especially the vibrancy and imagination of the OSR community, although the thing I’m actually playing (gming) is WFRP 4e which (and sometimes other stuff) I occasionally blog about here. Have a grand day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hail, and well met! I am Trent/Trenton, the terror of 5e onlyists, the expurgator of heretics, and finder of witches! I hail from the frozen reaches of southwestern Wisconsin, from whence I have come in triumph, putting all in my way to fire and sword!

I’m really into BECMI, which I’ve run a little bit of, and I credit Glen Welch (Mr Welch on YouTube) with my obsession with trying new systems.

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Greetings all. Rusty here. Forever DM in Nashville. Happy to meet everyone. I love reading discussion.