Do you even OSR ? | Response to Oct-OSR


I’ve been thinking a lot about this, since I’m kind of a weird outlier in the OSR and sometimes wonder if I even belong here at all-- my “old school” was monks and half-orcs in the PHB, Oriental Adventures and the Fiend Folio, the Complete Spacefarer’s Handbook and the Complete Book of Humanoids. Still… 100% about player agency and player challenge, making stories instead of telling them, but I wonder if the people behind all these “four in the core” and “Tolkien trio only” games were ever playing the same D&D as me.

Obviously very belated thread bump, but thank you for this.


And yet here you are!!!
Thanks for the comment!

This is the article that most helped me understand what play culture and play style mean, like Classic, Trad, OSR, Neo Trad/OC, Nordic Larp, or Story Games. It leaves out War Games with FKR influences and non-D&D traditions like shipping cultures, but it’s comprehensive.

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