Ideas and Suggestions

Another suggestion is to allow a greater variety of attachment types. I was going to publish a tutorial on using Inspiration Pad Pro 3 via CLI but I cannot upload the .zip files which would contain what a user needs.

I can work around this by hosting them somewhere else and linking to them but it puts a hamper on what we can share on the forum.

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I think its already been mentioned, but I’m not a fan of the tiles. I always feel like I’m missing something/feel overwhelmed with all the titles exploding out at me. I’m a stickler for having topics listed in a nice orderly top to bottom list, like traditional forums or old Reddit.


This is getting worked on - check here for the latest mockups.

Is it possible to have the default setting for links be that they open in a new tab or window?

Not a top priority for sure!

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You can set this in your preferences, just tick the “Open all external links in a new tab” box

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Aha! Thank 'ee kindly - I missed this area of the layout.

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