Keep on Yeoldelands doodles

We’ve just had our 40th session running through Keep on the Borderlands (and assorted other modules and dungeons), and I’ve been trying to keep on top of writing a brief account of each session and scrawling an accompanying illustration.

Should anyone be in the mood for some grubby fantasy black & white art, here’s a gallery of all the party’s adventuring to date, successful or otherwise. (I’m assuming that most folks prefer pictures, but if anyone’s keen to read the party’s progress, the session reports are all set out here.) (And if you’re particularly interested, here’s the campaign wiki including all of the players’ accounts of the expeditions - they get 250xp for each tale told.)

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

Session 10

Session 11

Session 12

Session 13

Session 14

Session 15

Session 16

Session 17

Session 18

Session 19

Session 20

Session 21

Session 22

Session 23

Session 24

Session 25

Session 26

Session 27

Session 28

Session 29

Sessions 30 to 33

Session 34

Session 35

Session 36

Session 37

Sessions 38 and 39

Session 40


Session 41

Session 42

Session 43

Session 44


This is amazing! I’m delving into the wiki with a torch and a ten foot pole to mine some ideas.

Thanks! Hope any forthcoming ideas prove helpful

Session 45

Session 46

Session 47

Session 48

Session 49

Session 50

Session 51

Session 52