New OSR RPG Project to Connect and get to know People Locally

Hi everyone!

I am a big fan of old-school role playing gaming and OSR. That’s why I want to create a good organization that connects OSR RPG fans locally with each other for all of Europe or even for the whole world. I know that’s “thinking big”, but hey: I think it’s a good idea! :slight_smile:

My goal is that wherever you are or move to, you can quickly find local OSR RPG people to play games with, not just online, but sitting together at a real table. For me that’s just a fundamental part of old-school RPGing and one that I want. But I’m not limiting my project just to that because it needs to go hand-in-hand with other things as well. I also want to facilitate online communication and exchange at the same time, because really a lot of things need to come and work together for this to work.

Connecting OSR RPG people to each other locally all around the world is a great big goal, and a long ways off to reach. Just to make sure we won’t get bored on the way to get there, I want everyone to have fun and keep motivated! So I support chatting and online gaming of any OSR system wanted and basically anything you or others want!

What I also want, personally and to keep motivated, is to hold off regular, perhaps even a weekly Dungeon- & Game Masters Roundtable (or several if there is demand) where 10 or so game masters meet and chat online by voice chat about Dungeon- and Game Mastering, about their favourite systems, about rules, about difficulties and experiences with DM-ing and GM-ing, about helping each other out, and anything that’s on their / our minds.

Anyway, I’ve just started this project (December 2021) and all I did so far is set up a Discord server (actually one in German and one in English). Check it out if you like the idea, but please don’t be disappointed if there are not a lot of people there yet. This project just started! :slight_smile:

Here’s the invite-link to the English Discord server: