The many questions of The Pit 'zine

Cryptpad, The Pit, hell any place cooler than Google. I am not saying Google will pull the plug. But as far as I know making edits and collaborating in the service I linked is just as easy as in Googledocs! Perhaps 3 pitties could try it out and report back before any decision is made to use it or not.

In terms of Googledocs:

" Another concern some users have is a question of ownership. Section 11.1 of Google’s terms of service says that “you give Google a worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through the Service for the sole purpose of enabling Google to provide you with the Service in accordance with its Privacy Policy [source: Google].” Upon first glance, this raises some pretty strong warning bells for some users. It sounds like Google says that it can do anything with the content you create and store on Google Docs."

Sure, I doubt Google will use our content in a hurry, but I just think the policy above goes against what I think is good for any user or even the OSR. YMMV!

I am glad you like it Knightowl, really cool company and service.

Another which is amazing, providing you only want to do simple text is “” I use it every day, it rules as do the people behind it.

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Yeah, there is all that, but everyone probably already has access to google docs and we are just brainstorming so do we want to brainstorm asap or do we want to lose a chunk of people who can’t be bothered signing up to some new service/debate the pros and cons of several online document sharing services for a few more days?

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You actually don’t need to sign up!

Seems like a really cool service.


After several attempts this link eventually worked for me, took a while to load but seems to be all there now.

Maybe you share it as a new post in the zine forum as the go to brainstorming document?

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Good idea. @Grognard do you have a premium account? If so, you should create the doc and share it to get it started. Otherwise I will go ahead and do so.


Nope dont have premium account, go for it Maderschramm! A doc with password might be good? Vandalism just to avoid vandalism and stuff.

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I know this is a typo, but I’m going to use “vandalism just to avoid vandalism” as an inspiration source somewhere in my games…


Hehehe, I didn’t even notice that, I am leaving it up! xd

Now that I think on it, it likely is a thing IRL and maybe in RPG too. One example that springs to mind, if you paint a really nice graffiti on a pristine white wall, some people would still see that as vandalism, but many taggers respect the artistry and would not tag over a piece. While if you present taggers with a white wall,… they might just go ham.

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I agree that we need some kind of editor-in-chief (a pit boss? Damn it all brain, why do you do this) to keep us all walking in the same direction.

I’d also like to recuse myself from being the pit boss on account of time constraints, lack of leadership skills and questionable moral fibre.


“We had to destroy the village in order to save the village.”
“I understand that - sort of - but why is it a volcano now?”
“Fastest way, sir.”


Are we going to have a “scrapbook” section in cryptdrive, or save that sort of stuff for these forums?

I edited the shared doc to show who has said what they can do—lots of overlap. Maybe condensing the list a little could help us? Not saying we should cut anyone, but rather than everyone saying “I can do a little bit of everything” maybe we pick ‘teams’ every issue? So one is edited by so-and-so in April, then edited by such-and-such in May?