The OSR PIT Zine is ALIVE! Now open for submissions

Ok, I’ll update the docs later today


all good, thanks again for all this effort

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thank you - all this effort is really generous - nicely done!

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I added you to the credits, we definitely want to make sure those that contributed are recognized. I gave the files to @Kingroy23 and when they’re on DTRPG or printed from Lulu you’ll see it in the final version.

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I missed this one, only reading yout it now !
I definetly want to be active for the second one…
I’ve one article in french i’ve written on “how to write random tables”. I could adapt it and translate it for 2nd issue, if there is interest…
Ready to do some artworks too :wink:


We should make that guy a random encounter in the second issue.


Are we already working on the second issue, and if yes, id there a theme ?

There’s no work being done on Issue #2 yet and no theme decided upon.

My assumption is that the second issue will be Spring '21, after the holiday season, but that’s just a guess.


Thanks for your message !
As layouter-in-chief, you’re probably one who knows best !
Great job on the first issue, by the way !

Happy holidays !

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What’s the etiquette for posting my submission to the zine elsewhere? I made the angler toad, and there was a small talk about angler monsters in the OSR discord so I wanted to share my entry there, but the zine is a paid product on Lulu so I don’t want to be taking money out of anyone’s pocket.

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Feel free to share it other places!

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Fantastic, just wanted to be sure - wasn’t sure if any of the money was paying for the layout efforts and such.

Any news on the front of the issue #2?

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Not yet. But I definitely would like to do a second issue eventually.

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Nope, all volunteer!

I meant to post this a long time ago…but thanks so much everybody for making this happen! I had a great time working on the zine, and it was a great learning experience. I wasnt super active on the forums last autumn, and actually missed the zine coming out. Thanks @maderschramm for laying it all out, from your Youtube video i got the impression it was no easy task, juggling all the submissions into a cohesive whole.

My physical copy arrived a while ago, it was great holding it in my hands.

And I’m definitely down for contributing to #2!


is the zine still an ongoing project? If so I would be happy to contribute whatever, just let me know the theme for the issue. Or if no theme, then any guidance as to the best type of article to provide.

I definitely think we’re going to make a second issue, but the theme / submission dates and stuff haven’t been determined yet. Glad to have you on board though, the more contributors the better!

Truly, we will be mighty, as the Emperor foresaw.

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I’ve been looking at html / wiki to print options lately. Basically a compiled web page that is converted to a print ready page then added to a customised book or pamphlet. That would be a different approach to a zine, which makes the most of current year software. People with contributor privileges can add their pages, and people with editing privileges can edit, remove, shift around content.

Then anyone wanting to print any version of it - add or subtract content, tailor it for their own use - can join as a member of the site with print-only privileges (or greater, but to just print pages - print-only privileges).

Might be a good approach for OSR in general and OSR PIT in particular?