The Pit Zine - Art Stuff

Thought it might be nice to have a place for anyone to post any random scribblings (or actual art, music, whatever), so we can scroll through easily without it getting lost.


Baby and not so baby Earth Kraken


Here’s a quick drawing I did the other day (taking random entries in the 1st Level Dungeon Encounter Tables and squashing them together for inspriration). This is STIRGE + HALFING.


Very cool stuff!

I’ll be putting together an art deposit for production files when we end up doing layout. I also have a production sheet going, I’ll post a link to that once we get some organization stuff figured out shortly. Sheet includes requests for artwork for the zine, list of artists that are available to work on projects, and a list of what is currently being worked on and by whom.

I would greatly encourage any artists posting here to please sign your artwork or at the least water mark them. We want everyone to be credited properly, you deserve the recognition for your work!

From user thekernelinyellow’s d8 reasons why exploring the tunnels is a bad idea - a digmaid keeping its false eyes trained on a hapless adventurer. A lot of fun to draw, but I’m pretty new to charcoals.


I love the idea of false eyes. I might even develop the monster better starting from this art.


Great piece @KidGokart!

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Thanks! I’ve got to get my hands on a blending stump; I could’ve sworn I had one lying around.

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Definitely been there before - there’s a bunch of tutorials on making your own blending stump that I’ve followed before. Works pretty well!

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Location for art files has been set up:
Pit Zine Art Box - Please refer to the ReadMe!

Just saw the Zine stuff and I’m in. Probably contribute some shitty drawings and writing when I have the chance. Speaking of shitty drawings, I couldn’t resist after I saw immature Earth Krakens, hopefully alright if I put it here.


@KidGokart was sketching your idea for porous peniophora—really like the idea of pit fungi and flora


Do we have a place to post the art in the Cryptpad? or is it just lists of artists and completed work?

I made the cave nettle art based on @KidGokart’s list, so I’ll share it here for now.


Was messing with a few logo ideas - figured we shouldn’t get too bogged down with logo designs for the first issue but wanted to try a few different things. I’m thinking the top is the best out of these:


On cryptpad, there should be an art box folder. Feel free to drop art there.

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Forgot to mention in my post with the logos that I’m also working on some new cover artwork, will throw out some teasers of that when it starts progressing! :crossed_swords:


Those logos look great. I like the first one best too.

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Another vote for the first here. Looking forward to seeing the new cover too.

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I have a few art pieces that I would contribute - if any is interesting or inspiring:


I would like to use the dolphin one for some encounter, once we are start working on issue number 2.

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