The Pit Zine - Art Stuff

From user thekernelinyellow’s d8 reasons why exploring the tunnels is a bad idea - a digmaid keeping its false eyes trained on a hapless adventurer. A lot of fun to draw, but I’m pretty new to charcoals.


I love the idea of false eyes. I might even develop the monster better starting from this art.


Great piece @KidGokart!

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Thanks! I’ve got to get my hands on a blending stump; I could’ve sworn I had one lying around.

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Definitely been there before - there’s a bunch of tutorials on making your own blending stump that I’ve followed before. Works pretty well!

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Location for art files has been set up:
Pit Zine Art Box - Please refer to the ReadMe!

Just saw the Zine stuff and I’m in. Probably contribute some shitty drawings and writing when I have the chance. Speaking of shitty drawings, I couldn’t resist after I saw immature Earth Krakens, hopefully alright if I put it here.


@KidGokart was sketching your idea for porous peniophora—really like the idea of pit fungi and flora


Do we have a place to post the art in the Cryptpad? or is it just lists of artists and completed work?

I made the cave nettle art based on @KidGokart’s list, so I’ll share it here for now.


Was messing with a few logo ideas - figured we shouldn’t get too bogged down with logo designs for the first issue but wanted to try a few different things. I’m thinking the top is the best out of these:


On cryptpad, there should be an art box folder. Feel free to drop art there.

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Forgot to mention in my post with the logos that I’m also working on some new cover artwork, will throw out some teasers of that when it starts progressing! :crossed_swords:


Those logos look great. I like the first one best too.

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Another vote for the first here. Looking forward to seeing the new cover too.

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I have a few art pieces that I would contribute - if any is interesting or inspiring:


I would like to use the dolphin one for some encounter, once we are start working on issue number 2.

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Love how dreamy all of those are @Killerklown!

@Killerklown those are wild! ton of movement - nice

Please do ! It’s a Laketober creation (like inktober but without the bad buzz) that I was not gonna use in one of my own creations, so please use it. I called it “The Merfolk cavalry”, but if you want to do something else with it, be at it !

Most of these have been created using IA-technology, based on photos (which is one of the reasons they are so dreamy)

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Made a new piece to be used…
Either in Color or B&W, as you prefer…
I present you “The Entrance to Fort 40”