The Pit Zine - Building the Adventuring locale

I’ve created a folder for all the art. Can you check if it works for you?

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I saw it, uploaded a file and I think it’ll work. Your folder seems to be sharable as the one I was using wasn’t, for whatever reason. Let’s start getting this link out there to the artists - be sure to read the ReadMe!

Pit Zine Art Box

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This looks set up properly to me!


I think it’s good to go now, yeah. I guess the only thing I could see being a future issue might be the storage limit - all our artwork is pretty light weight as far as file size goes but I could see that bloating as we add print ready covers and stuff. Not worth worrying about now though.

Hi! I’ve moved the art posts in the Art thread for better reference


It seems like it’s set to read only for me? Is there something I’m missing?

Ah I didn’t notice you have to apply permissions on the share link - I’ve updated all the links so that you can edit but the Pit takes a bit to apply post edits - here is direct link.

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As far as the storage limit I was thinking the same thing.

I figured if we get there I’ll request donations so we can crowd-source a premium account.

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If / when Lulu gets their crap together, we could use proceeds from pay-what-you-want model or possibly any profit made from a POD (pie in the sky there) to handle those costs - along with donations. We can keep that in mind goin’ forward.


Tunnel: Lair of the Earth Kraken

  • Jagged Tunnel - Prehistoric Dwellings - Mudpits - Smokestack Village - Lair of the Earth Kraken

Jagged Tunnel

  • A tunnel formed by an Earth Kraken’s passing, a million years ago. The creature’s huge tentacles have plunged into the rock, splitting and cracking it, while some parts of the ancient beast have abraded the stone, sanding strange wavy patterns into it. Crushed stone, gravel sand fills most of the tunnel, leaving a low, wide passage.
  • Lodged in a wall, a fossilised tooth, hook-shaped, broken off from a giant tentacle. If moistened, it grows some flesh around the tooth. The flesh soon rots.

Prehistoric Dwellings

  • Dwellings have been dug into the walls, 10000 years ago. An archaeologist finds remains of beds, tables and containers, ransacked ages ago.
  • Wall carvings depict a spiky, octopus-like giant beast. Tiny humanoid figures for scale. Some traces of paint, mostly eroded away.
  • A band of troglodyte man-eaters dwells here now. Smells of aging meat. The Troglodytes have a lantern housing a swarm of Corpselights, which they allow to feed on the corpses of their victims, to dry the meat for easy transport.


  • Water seeps from a a crack in the cavern’s ceiling, dripping into small pond of moist, orange mudfungus. It looks like normal mud or clay, but it has powerful diuretic effects, drying out whomever touches it. The mudfungus has crawled out of the pond, covering the walls and the ceiling.
  • Mummified corpses of tunnels delvers are found in the mud.
  • Pathways have been cleared around the rim of the lake, and a trail of many footprints over time is impressed into the mud, leading deeper into the tunnel.
  • This is where the Ashen gather ingredients for their famous mudcakes. A pair of gatherers can be encountered. They have some Mudcakes prepared, but will not offer them, unless requested or as self defense.
  • The Ashen are a community dustlung survivors, whom the disease has carried beyond the need for water (most die before this point). Originally human or demihuman, infertile, naked, sooty, and very dry. Intelligent dust zombies with minds of dirt. They coughs are bone-dry and their breathing sounds like stone grating on stone. Some call them “Dirty Folk”.
  • Ingesting Mudcake causes mummification from the inside out. Save vs petrification not to turn into an frail statue, over the course of a few hours. On a successful save, removes the needs to drink water, but exposure to water becomes deadly, causing the affected area to crack and crumble away. The victim will be offered refuge with the Ashen, welcomed into the community, and carried over the most perilous stages of the illness.

Smokestack Village

  • The Ashen settlement is built around and above a central vertical shaft. A large pyre smoulders on the bottom, providing a haze of smoke that penetrates every house, coating surfaces with soot. The air is thick and dark. Piercing white eyes in the darkness, huddled around tiny fires. Each household is burning a small pyre of twigs, hair and bone, making smoke, not fire. Their town is a suffocating, dark maze of smoke, dust and soot.
  • They burn what they can find: mushrooms, bone, corpses, meat. To them, the smoke tastes like cold mountain air, fresh and rich. It is their sustenance. Living in the Smokestack transforms a dustlung into a true Ashen, calms a turbulent illness into a state of being. (Dustlungs back in Town also inhale smoke to ease their symptoms.)
  • Their fuel collectors are called Jacks. Jacks cut down mushrooms, and trade with passing tunnel delvers for wood, straw and the like.
  • The Ashen are barren - not able to reproduce. Their community grows by accepting dustlungs and helping them to transition to Ashen. Desperate travellers may be offered Mudcake, made from mudfungus - joining the Ashen may preferable to a doomed, waterless trek back home.
  • A small Ashen cult worships a huge Stonebeast that lies dormant in fossil form, in a nearby cavern. It is drip-fed water, to reanimate it to receive worship, for brief moments.

Lair of the Earth Kraken

  • The huge fossilised beast is being uncovered by cultist excavations. A cow-sized leather sack hangs above the Kraken’s head, from which water drips down. Where the water lands, the creature grows flesh. Its limbs remain fossilised and immobile, for now. Its large, single eye rolls furiously in its socket.
  • The sack full of water is worth 5000gp. If handled without proper care, the sack tears, drenching the Earth Kraken Stonebeast, fully animating it.
  • There are cultists present, burning small ceremonial pyres, rubbing mudfungus on the beast’s tentacles, keeping them dry. There is a chance the giant Stonebeast now suffers from dustlung.

I imagine we could do a few tunnels like this (with some more detail…) for the zine, plus a generator that utilises all the tables. The DM would create their game by combining the premade and generated tunnels into a network. Thoughts??


Umm yeah… it’s not dissimilar to Veins of the Earth. :smiley: But I guess it’s still pretty cool. You can see the sky (sometimes) in The Pit, so that’s different.

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