Cinders of the Dragon Lord: A free, little dragon adventure for beginning characters and players


In lieu of a real blog, I’ve resolved to post about my little, free adventures here. After making such a gonzo hexcrawl, I wanted to make something firmly vanilla. I settled on–drum roll, please–a dragon with a dungeon: Cinders of the Dragon Lord.

Being so painfully basic, I wrote it with new OSR players in mind. The monsters are talkative. The traps are telegraphed. The kid gloves are firmly on. I tried to keep the descriptions brief and poppin’, though I’m sure there’s room for improvement. An OSR adventure writers’ workshop would be a boon.

Anyway, If you check it out, let me know what you think.

Mods: If my posts are clogging up this forum, please let me know and I’ll stop.