Escaping Edgewild: A Last-Minute One-Shot

Been running an online open-table Old School Essentials game for the last few years with a rotating cast of players and characters. Summer months always tend to be a bit less consistent with folks’ timetables shifting, and we recently found ourselves with only two players. The campaign we play can be quite deadly and they (quite reasonably) didn’t want to risk their hard-earned mid-level characters on an understaffed expedition.

So instead I grabbed Escaping Edgewild, a prison break module I’d originally got with running a holiday one-shot for family in mind. That never came about, but this seemed like a good chance to make use of the adventure. I had the players quickly roll up some new characters and flung them into a prison cell with a gaggle of NPCs.

I’ve aimed to do at least one illustration for each gaming session to go with a written account, but this side adventure felt like a decent time to try telling the whole session in a comic strip. I tend to just doodle characters and people, so this was the first time putting extended effort into scenery and framing.

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