The Big Introductions Thread

Hello !

My name is Andre Novoa and i’m the designer of the 17th century minimalist and Death Robot Jungle LP, amongst other things. I’m also the person behind the indie publisher Games Omnivorous. I love conceptual, curated and artsy stuff.

You may check us out here.



Love your work! Death Robot Jungle is so awesome and creative.

Hi, I’m Jason. I’m obsessed with hacking Into the Odd, Knave, and other lightweight systems to run paranormal horror, weird sci-fi, and an embarrassing number of soulslike games. I live in the Boston area.


Hi Friends I’m Amanda, I do illustrations for Codex Magazine & elsewhere & and I’m working on a zine called You Got A Job On The Garbage Barge. I don’t have a blog but I post drawings in the middle of the night on instagram here


Wow, your artwork is great! Welcome to the Pit!


Hello! My name is Tuomas. I work as a sound designer and sound engineer in Helsinki, Finland. I write a lot, but release little.

I started playing RPGs around 1998 with MERP and some mostly rule-less campaigns, playing and GMing, but really didn’t play very often until a few years ago. I found the OSR through leafing through LotFP books in my gamestore, and watching Questing Beast reviews. Reading LotFP was a revelation - it married the rules-light approach from my youth to a more rigorous ruleset and the DnD tradition.

I’ve been hanging around the Twitter OSR scene for a while (as @TuomasVau). I like the all the fresh, unfiltered ideas from creators, but dislike the drama, which is why it took me about 30 seconds from hearing about this forum to signing in.

I have a blog here (edit: blog not updated)


I haven’t written a welcome post in a while and now there are so many new pitties here!

So, welcome @AwkwardTurtle, @anovoa, @JasonT, @Amanda and @SunkenPlanets :smiley:

Since this is a pretty new community, I’m really happy to see it grow and to hear that so many content creators are coming here to discuss and exchange ideas.



I’m Bryan. I played/DM’d my first game in the fall of ‘79, using the Holmes Basic Set and quickly “graduated” to AD&D. Though at the time, it was all just D&D to us. I played with some regularity until the mid-80s when, with college graduation, gaming largely came to a halt.

In about 2012, searching for some of the joy I remembered from back when, I decided to look into gaming again. I can’t recall what rabbit hole on the interwebs I followed, but I ended up in OSR blogs, and have been lost in them since.

In the interim, I have regularly played in decidedly un-OSR games(Hackmaster 5ed and D&D 3.5-E6) and have recently started running a campaign sandbox using what I am calling FrankenDnDiy, a mishmash of B/X via OSE and LotFP with GLOG casting and many ideas stolen from blogs Ten Foot Polemic, Last Gasp Grimoire, Coins and Scrolls, d4 Caltrops, and others.

I’m encouraged that this site is here, in part, to allow a paced discussion of OSR ideas-Discord and Twitter make me dizzy. Thanks to the organizers for setting this up! And thanks to those of you who blog and create content!


Hello I post on the Chromatic Cauldron blog. I hope that The Pit will be a positive space. I am a bit stretched too thin over multiple social medias but I will try to visit once in a while. :slight_smile:


Welcome @Evlyn and @Dungmeister!

I’d really hope you’d find this place interesting and welcoming (and slow-paced - I understand Dungmeister’s troubles, most social media are to quick for me) enough. Enjoy your stay!

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Good to see you here Evlyn! Hope you stick around!

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Hi everyone !
My name is killerklown, 38 years young, i’m french but i live in Germany and I play roleplaying game since ~25 years.
I’m also a blog writer (check the osrdread.blogpost if you want to see what i do) and an improvisation theater player.
Last month, I start streaming a “dramatized solo actual play” with Ironsworn, live on twitch ( and replays on YouTube (first episodes are here: - I had to replay the first 3, 'cause i suck at technical video stuff).
Nice to meet you all !


Hi everyone!
I’m Iacopo, I run a osr telegram channel, which is like blogging the lazy way. If you are interested you can find it at It’s italian, btw.
Last year some friend and me tried to make a zine. We called it Fallimento Assicurato: Sure Failure. I love it. Maybe there’ll be a second issue… maybe an english version. Since then @thekernelinyellow wont stop calling me boss.


Welcome @Killerklown and boss!

I’m really happy to see more people around here.

Sup KillerKlown, are you a Juggalo? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Where in Germany? I live in Berlin.

I had never heard of the insane clown posse before, and I write my klown with a K…
I am at the other end of Germany, Landau in der Pfalz and seldom in dickes B an der Spree :wink:
But who knows, we might meet in Essen, one day…

I have never heard of “Landau in der Pfalz” but that is because my topography sucks! xd Glad you are not a Juggalo hehe, although I would love to talk to one once, I have never met one in real life and they fascinate a bit from anthropological pov. :smiley: Anyway, welcome to the forum! The more the merrier! :slight_smile:

I started posting long-winded messages here without seeing this introductions thread. I should introduce myself!

Greetings! I am Lich Van Winkle. It looks like I’m older than most of the folks here. I live in the eastern USA. I started gaming in 1981 and played non-stop and collected every game book I could find for the next fifteen years. Then I stopped playing entirely for almost twenty-five years, paying almost no attention to RPGs and keeping only two or three boxes of precious old game materials.

Having kids led me back to role-playing games and I am bewildered to see all the changes in the hobby. In particular, I find the OSR movement to be really problematic and disconnected from the real history of the hobby, but don’t let me stop you from having fun! I’m primarily here to talk to other gamers who are older than the young kids I have at home and to try to understand what on earth happened that our hobby split up into such distinct, separate scenes.

I am happy to share if you ever want to hear lore from the old days, as I grew up in the gamer-belt of the northern Midwest/Great Lakes region. (Yes, that Midwestern gamer-belt was a real thing.)

I write my (admittedly critical) opinions on RPGs and my perspective on their history at

I am composing a low-dice, high-risk, non-D&D fantasy adventure & exploration role-playing game for fun in my spare time. It splices genes from AFF and other games. You can think of it as “post-OSR,” except that I don’t even want OSR to be the point of reference. My point of reference is gaming circa 1982, but pretending D&D never existed. Maybe one day it will be ready to share.


Hi everyone, I’m Luka. I’ve written some things that folks associate with the OSR here and there. Nice to meet you all.



Big fan of UVG!! Welcome sir, glad you’re here.

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