Knock!#2 now live on KS

Hi there,
Knock!#2 is now on Kickstarter. 224 pages, full of stuff, same than issue #1, just better!


I backed it for print and digital. :slight_smile:
If you would contributions from me for next one let me know. :slight_smile:

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The have a permanent call for contributions! It would awesome to see you in the next issue!

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I definitely will, it seems very much my cup of tea even if most of the rules don’t really overlap. I will do some system neutral stuff or work out a conversion so I can D&D-ify WHITEFRANK type insanity. :slight_smile:

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I’m thinking of adapting my Surfers vs Trash Sharks entry from WHITEFRANK Hillside Thickets. Big ass sharks chasing surfers, with the surfboard functioning as ablative armor. It would be mercifully short as an article or whatever and I think the rules provided are system independent or I can make them so - the only detail requiring surgery would most likely be the partial cover / armor rule for if or when the surfboard shields the surfer from shark-derived annihilation. :slight_smile:

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It’s over and funded! Looking forward to seeing it. :wink: