PWYW Simple OSR City Crawl Game System: Infinigrad Freelancer

Here’s an actual game you can use all those city generators on my blog to play! It’s PWYW and pretty much Guild Dogs 3.0 (A game/idea/location I’ve been playing around with for like 8 years now in one form or another). Make a mutated city buccaneer and explore a neverending city all from the comfort of 1d6!

Get it on DriveThru:
Or Itch:

The Infinigrad Freelancers are adventurers exploring the great unmapped alleyway wilds of the city for fun and profit, willing to use their specific skill sets in the machinations of any group that will pay them the silver.

Explore the Endless City with Ordure Fantasy 1d6 RPG , a super simple, single d6 based OSR inspired roleplaying game.

Included in the book:

  • Core and combat rules described on a single page.
  • Rules and reaction tables for super simple 1 stat enemies.
  • 6 mutations and 36 skills for Infinigrad Freelancers.
  • Rules and examples for Freelancer augmentation system.
  • Tables for the referee, including quick merchant pricing table, exposition generator, suburb political situation generator and Infinigrad job generator.
  • Heat Test rules for resolving consequences of Freelancer jobs.

Infinigrad Freelancer is designed as a diving board to explore the billions of suburbs and city details that can be generated using the Automated Infinigrad Suburb Generator, available at: