What single movie best captures the OSR for you?

Robin of Sherwood! The action scenes are dreadful, but you love all the characters so much, you don’t care.


Excalibur! Armor doesn’t fit right, people die, no real plot except sometimes.


True! Plus Carmina Burana is definitely a staple of the OSR playlist.

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@KnightOwl OG for sure!

@LF_OSR You’re welcome, hope you enjoy.

@warriorneedsfood Sometimes thumping someone in the back or stabbing them three inches away from their body (“oorgh!”) is all it takes :grin:

Still, I think the action scenes serve as a solid example of how OSR combat can play out. It’s not that the characters are particularly powerful or outnumber their enemies, it’s that they fight dirty wherever they can.

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a field in england is free to watch on youtube

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the VVitch, the Lighthouse and perhaps The Messenger (joan of ark). Warning the start of the movie The Messenger is pretty disgusting but it’s by the director of the 5th element.

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Oh people always mention the 13th warrior

Alll John Carpenter made but especially The Thing, Escape from New York and Big Trouble in Little China.
The Evil Dead trilogy.
For something bleak and brutal: Hard to be A God

I know it’s horribly innacurate and wasn’t even filmed in the right spot but Braveheart still gives off feelings of adventure and battle.


I really enjoyed A Field In England, but I would say that it’s only partly OSR, but that it’s EXTREMELY Lamentations of the Flame Princess…

Two points:

  • I agree with this wholeheartedly.

  • I would love to play at your table.


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I like that the characters are lucky and unlucky at the same time (or in a span of minutes). It’s rpg-ish in a way that fortune (dice) can change super quick in the time of a session.


Move movies:

  • The Last Witch Hunter (the Vin Diesel movie!)
  • Riddick (the third Riddick movie, with… Vin Diesel)

These are some of my favorite fantasy and sc-ifi movies (of the lighter variety). They’re not masterpieces, but I kinda love them. The Last Witch Hunter has interesting witchcraft and low magic, grounded feel. Riddick, the first part of the movie especially, has cool survival stuff and problem solving, and Riddick is seldom straightforward in his strategy. The protagonist is very overpowered in both of them though.

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I’m writing down a lot of movies I should watch, thank you!

My contribution: The Name of the Rose (both the 1986 movie with Sean Connery and the mini-series with Rupert Everett, if you can find it): there is very little fantasy, basically zero combat, but the Aedificium is the dungeon and Adso is a perfect adventurer (I’d stat him as a thief).


Totally agree, I love the problem solving scenes in the first Riddick and the world building they establish is just next level. Like you said his strategies are not straightforward, but still fit so well in the setting they’ve plopped Riddick in; they’re believable solutions.


At first I was thinking of the challenge of just listing one movie. But if we’re creating a list of movies to add to your to-watch list, here are some more.

Knights of Badassdom

With lots of actors that you know, this hilarious comedy somehow pulls off having a bard as the main character.

Zero Charisma

This is kind of a bummer of a movie, in the way that it rings way too true for us geeks. It’s serious and awkward and endearing and really good.

THAC0: The Movie

This has the worst acting of any movie on this list. Maybe any movie ever. But the writing is really, really sharp–imagine if Kevin Smith was a slightly worse director but much more of an RPG Geek. This is exponentially funnier the more of a Geek you are, and it also somehow has a cameo by TRUE GEEK ROYALTY.

Monster Camp

Documentary about LARPers in the Pacific Northwest. There are human stories and perhaps it skews towards the more extreme element but that’s pretty inevitable if you’re trying to tell an interesting story.


New Zealand horror-comedy with black magic, demons, and heavy metal


Different than the book, but the adventure of a boy going to find a fallen star is rife with RPG inspiration.

Hellboy II

Del Toro secretly made a fantasy movie dressed up as a superhero sequel. Trolls and elves, clockwork armies and secret underground markets all make this a delight for RPG fans.

The Fall

The imagery of this movie alone is worthy of watching. But the story-within-a-story and the band of roguish adventurers against a powerful foe is great stuff for OSR fans as well.


SF movie with and 80s vibe and some incredible action scenes.

Troll Hunter

Norwegian mockumentary about hunting trolls.

The Wild Hunt

It’s another LARPing movie, but the characters and their relationships are what make this such a compelling film.

Perfume: The Story of the Murderer

If you like the darker parts of the OSR, this beautifully savage movie might be just for you.

Erik the VIking

Somewhat dating Tim Robbins comedy, but if you want to see a low level character’s struggles this is pretty perfect.


Not everyone’s favorite, but to me a perfect B movie. Post apocalyptic and zombies and medieval warlords and more all live together in this homage.

Turbo Kid

More Post-apocalyptic goodness, with a synthwave soundtrack and feels like it belongs to the 80s that never were.

Army of Darkness

On the off chance you haven’t watched this, or haven’t watched it recently, what ever is stopping you?


Not a movie neither fantasy, but the later Lost in Space serial has some nice problem solving osr vibe in it