@LF_OSR Art Corner

I backed you Kickstarter and bought that item in the store you had too! Hope you can continue the success Leo!

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Thank you so much, friend! I greatly appreciate the support. I have lots more in the works, so be sure to see what I’m up to here and there. :grinning:

Knave is returning to the L.F. OSR Shop! A few weeks ago, I did a limited handcrafted run of Knave, in collaboration with @QuestingBeast and Signum Nox (also featuring artwork from @perplexingruins!), which sold out rather quickly. I’ve had a number of people reach out since then, asking if it would be possible to do another run, so I’ve decided to do a pre-order for a larger run, to better gauge interest and make sure I can get as many copies as possible out there.

For those not familiar, Knave is a fantastic old school fantasy system. No classes, rules-light, and ready to play in a matter of minutes. I’m a huge fan of Ben’s work here - Knave is my go to system and it’s an honor to help bring it into physical format for everyone to enjoy. Anyhow, thanks for reading this and checking out the shop if you decide to give it a look! Cheers! :crossed_swords: